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Showing posts with the label Vincent Van Gohg

My Future Van Gogh

I love that she's trying out  different activities that interests  her. Painting is one of the things she enjoys when  she isn't reading or playing. I want her to try many different  things for her to discover what she  likes and where she'll excel. The title is My Future Van Gohg   because Vincent Van Gogh is my  favorite artist.My favorite piece of  him is the Starry Starry Night . I remember trying to paint that  when  I was in college but my brother  bullied me and told me I should name  my piece "Twinkle Twinkle ,Little  Star" and that's where my passion for  paintings ended...lols.. I had given up my dream of becoming  an artist since then hahaha...wala kase talaga  future... I always admire my papa's and  brother's paintings and sketches that  I dreamt of becoming an artist  before.They aren't professional  though,My brothers weren't e...