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My Future Van Gogh

I love that she's trying out  different activities that interests  her. Painting is one of the things she enjoys when  she isn't reading or playing. I want her to try many different  things for her to discover what she  likes and where she'll excel. The title is My Future Van Gohg   because Vincent Van Gogh is my  favorite artist.My favorite piece of  him is the Starry Starry Night . I remember trying to paint that  when  I was in college but my brother  bullied me and told me I should name  my piece "Twinkle Twinkle ,Little  Star" and that's where my passion for  paintings ended...lols.. I had given up my dream of becoming  an artist since then hahaha...wala kase talaga  future... I always admire my papa's and  brother's paintings and sketches that  I dreamt of becoming an artist  before.They aren't professional  though,My brothers weren't e...

Hello Kitty: Stump Village (clay animation TV)

Hello Kitty Stump Village is a Japanese clay animation from 2005.  My daughter is also crazy with HELLO KITTY that she loves watching  this adorable feline's  videos over and over again.  I cannot blame her though coz' I always find myself glued to my seat watching all vidz too.lolz.  One thing I don't like in this video is the way the characters communicate to each others. They only hum.I sometimes tell my daughter not to watch it too much because she might copy the humming and might not talk anymore. haha... Till next time... prettypracticalmom

Hello Kitty Office

When I stop working and choose to stay at home or be a WAHM maybe I'll put up a small business or I'll try online jobs or uhmm both? lolz. If that happens I will surely need a nook in our house.A mini office that looks like this!  photo source I'd be so happy to work in a place like this.My place.  hayyys .. In time.=) Till next time, prettypracticalmom

Measles Outbreak in Metro Manila

The News about Measles outbreak is very alarming .I'm now too scared to let my  daughter go out especially nowadays that the City where we live is now exposed by the virus. The Measles is contagious.One child  may be able to infect other children   from the moment they begin feeling ill or before the symptoms even develop. Measles is a serious respiratory  disease caused by a virus. It spreads  easily through coughing,sneezing and  breathing.It can be fatal however  measles,mumps,rubella (MMR) vaccine  protects against measles. What are the symptoms of Measles? Measles starts with a fever then  cough,runny nose and red eyes. then a rash of tiny ,red spots to  break out. It starts at the head and spreads  to the rest of the body. The rash can last for a week and  coughing can last up to 10 days. Other symptoms may include scaly  patches,loss of appetite,diarrhea  (especially in infants) and swollen...

Cafe Fance Grand Anniversary Sale

Buy 1 take 1 on all breads every Friday for the entire month of January! Visit their site Like Cafe France on Facebook Like PrettyPracticalMom on Facebook Enjoy!