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Protect our Children from Cyber Bullying

I feel awful about the news, I just read from Daily Mail

Schoolgirl is 'trolled to death': Parents' agony as daughter, 14, 'hangs herself' after horrific abuse from bullies on website

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A girl who was a victim of online bullying hanged herself. Cyber bullying is getting far too much. It has victimized a lot of people especially the young ones.It may affect a person's being causing depression,low self esteem ,anxiety or worst it may lead to suicidal thought.

How to Protect Children from Cyber Bullying


  • Let's guide our children when they go online.Tell them to keep their online identity and passwords private. Do not give any personal information like phone numbers and address.
  • Let's encourage our children to think before they post anything.Tell them to be polite when chatting with someone and Don't comment on any negative or hurtful conversation.Don't let them upload pictures that shows too much skin.(I'm too scared for my daughter, She's only two but she knows how to take "selfie" pics already)
  • Listen to your children.Be their best friend,encourage them to tell you if there's something bothering them.
  • Do not put home computer inside your kid's room.Keep it in a busy area where you can always peek on what they're doing or checking online.
  • Educate them about Cyber Bullying. Make them understand the danger it will cause. Teach them how to be cautious and vigilant.
To learn more about cyber bullying visit this site


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