Here's an instant meal that will surely fill your fambam's tummy. My brother, youngest sister and niece are vacationing at home so house chores are easier now a days, perks of having bakasyonitas at home hehehe however I had to adjust on somethings since they are around, especially on food. I have to prepare food that are good for 6 people everyday from breakfast to dinner.
I have already thought of what to prepare for the whole week. I have made a list na. I've planned of cooking something yummy,something that kids would still enjoy but of course something THRIFTY. hehe I know right?
They're request for today's breakfast was burger steak from Jollibee. ang bongga!choosy!
and because I love them so...I cooked burger steak as per their request sing sarap ng Jollibee burger steak but di kasing mahal ang magagastos.
Instant Burger Steak
What you'll need:
- Beef burger patties
- Cream of Mushroom (that's all)
- 1 cup of water
Easy peasy steps:
- Fry the burger patties then set aside.
- Combine water and cream of mushroom soup and simmer over low heat.
- Stir until it thickens.
- Serve with rice!
so all in all I only spent less than a hundred for a meal that's good for 10 people. Ang saya! Ang tipid.
hehe that's all for now mommies...anyways I've been busy this past few days for some small business matters heheh....I'm busy making tutus. My then hobby is now a business of mine. you might want to check it out and see some of my designs here's the link...Tutus
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