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Coffee and Pregnancy, Mixing All The Flavors Together

This rainy season, who can resist the temptation of coffee? Not even pregnant women I bet. Oh Why am I pregnant this rainy season? 😞 I need coffee to have my system working at full force. Pregnant women also need their fix of caffeine, but doctors warn against drinking coffee during pregnancy. 

Experts say that no safe level of caffeine exists for a growing fetus. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink coffee while pregnant or trying to conceive and a woman who drinks coffee will be more likely to have miscarriages, stillbirths, infants with low birth weight or small for gestational age, leukaemia in children and overweight but According to the current guidelines from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) 200 mg of caffeine a day has risks that are extremely small. Pregnant women can have 1–2 cups (240–580 mL) of coffee as long as it doesn't exceed 200 mg however do you know that Caffeine can also be found in a number of foods and drinks that a mom-to-be might consume? such as tea, soda, energy drinks and chocolate. This can make it difficult to realize how much caffeine pregnant women might be consuming.

In 2015, I started drinking coffee and soon became addicted to it. I would typically drink coffee 5 times a day. I would used a regular mug instead of a cup. I guess, once you spread the coffee habit all over your body, it's hard to take it away. Now that I am pregnant, I am having to get used to an all-new caffeine regime.

 How can we avoid caffeine while still enjoying a hot cup of coffee? Are you pregnant like me and wondering if you can drink coffee? Wondering what kinds of coffees are best for a baby’s development? 

Experts say that if you must drink coffee, either decaf or caffeine-free coffee are better choices. Decaf has fewer than 7 milligrams of caffeine and because it contains less caffeine, This coffee is a better choice than a regular coffee.

I have seen a few coffee products online, which claim to be safe and help boost breast milk. I haven't tried them yet but I read good reviews about them. 

Mommy Co. Coffee is said to be safe for pregnant women and formulated with herbal extracts that may aid milk production. It's also FDA Approved.  I also have friends who've tasted this coffee, and they like it.

This is a list of the main ingredients of mommy co. coffee.

Guyabano – In Africa and South America, soursop is used as a natural medicine and is also eaten to elevate a mother’s milk after childbirth.

Ashitaba – In Japan, this medicinal herb and health food is believed to stimulate more milk in mothers and could be used with mastitis or low milk production after delivery.

Moringa – In Asia, Moringa Oleifera leaves are widely used as food and a natural galactagogue,  and has been used for centuries to increase breast milk production.

Turmeric – Turmeric is popularly used in many cultures especially in India as a way to stimulate lactation. Due to its healing properties, it is also believed to help prevent swollen breast tissues and clogged ducts.

The Mother Nurture 7in1 Chocomix and 7in1 Coffeemix are packed with breast milk production booster or galactogogues such as Calcium Lactate, Malunggay power, and Ashitaba. It also has Gotu Kola, a herb that helps relieve mental fatigue and boost blood circulation. Both products are sweetened with Stevia, a healthy sugar substitute that helps in insulin secretion and is a known antioxidant. 

Barlico's line of Barley and Chicory-based instant coffee substitutes are made from all-natural ingredients, 100% caffeine free, and are a health-conscious alternative for individuals whose health conditions and preferences limit their caffeine consumption.its main ingredient Barley oats promotes milk production ,similar to malunggay.

I saw that they are all available in Shopee so I am going to order now. I'm looking forward to trying all these coffees and discovering which one tastes best to me. If you can recommend a good coffee that will be enjoyed by pregnant women, share it on the comments below, we would greatly appreciate it.


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